Saturday, April 28, 2012

10 Animals facing extinction

Greater Bamboo Lemur
Found only in the small area of southeastern Madagascar. the greater
 bamboo lemur eats only bamboo shoots- despite the cyanide found 
in the plant. The most endangered lemur in Madagascar less than 
200 are believed to still exist.

Celebes Crested Macaque
This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts
 of  Indonesia, mostly on the island of Sulawesi. 
It is often hunted as a pest.

Lowland Gorilla
Found in central Africa, the lowland gorilla has been all but
 wiped out in recent years thanks to widespread hunting. 

Madagascar Fish Eagle
Madagascar is known as the hottest hotspot, both because of 
its rich biodiversity and because deforestation and other threats. The 
fish eagle found in highly limited numbers along the west coast.

Vancouver Island Marmot
The rodent is one of the most endangered mammals in North America.
 With less than 40 individuals found  in an area less than 10 sq. km.
 Logging is most likely its cause of extinction.

Black Rhino
The population of the black rhino declined by 90% over
 the six decades. Now there's over 4,000.

Iberian Lynx
Believed to be the most Endangered Mammal in Europe.The Lynx found 
mostly in Spain has fewer than 150 individuals in the wild.  Its 
dying out because its main source of food. (rabbit) 

Baiji Dolphin
Also known as the Yangtze Dolphin and found in the China. 
The baiji is the most endangered cetacean in the world. It may 
already be Extinct

Mindoro Dwark Water Buffalo
Found on the Philippine island of MIndoro. The Dwart water buffalo 
was once widespread, but now is found in less than 300 sp. km.

Siberian Crane
This beautiful bird breeds in arctic Russia and Western Siberia, 
but thanks to severe wetland loss, it is declining very  fast.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I want to help animals, but I don't know how since I am just 12 years old, do you know some way I can help animals?

  3. yes, since you are well 12 theres small things you can do than can be great things to animals. Well I am only 15 but I know alot of things about them.
    so here are few things you can do Ana:
    - recycle
    - use organice materials
    - tell your family or friends about whats happening

    1. Thanks for the advice, you are very helpful. Hope you also help them.

  4. yea thats the mission Ana, and your welcome
